
Digitization in MRO

Image Credit: Issuu
Image Credit: Issuu

The Digital MRO market is expected to grow from USD 606 million in 2020 to USD 1,809 million by 2030, at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 11.6%, according to a LinkedIn study.

The immense convenience of digitization in MRO and the very realization of it, has led to quick romancing and adoption of this technology, by MRO services, OEMs, and Airlines. The efficiency and dependability of MRO service delivery, is directly related to the speed at which a problem is solved, the savings that come from it, reduced downtime, in the aerospace business. Circumventing the challenges posed by product and supply chain complexity warrants a robust and best-in-class MRO service.  This is key is to avoid grounding or mass groundings of an airline fleet or part thereof, leading perhaps to a company going out of business. SAFETY is paramount and avoidance of critical incidents or accidents is a given. Going digital, MRO providers have solved a lot of these problems that legacy MRO processes threw up.

Benefits Of a Digital MRO Solution

A digitalized MRO provider using sophisticated tools can predict failure in advance, and carry out timely rectification and maintenance and put an asset back in service at the earliest possible (TAT). Grounding for inspection of engines is essential and needs advance planning. Predictive Maintenance made possible through digitalization of MRO services, can take care of challenges like mass groundings, or recall due to fault in engines or components. By means of Advanced Data Analytics and Machine Learning (ML), patterns and trends are identifiable in aircraft component behaviour, and potential failures can be predicted in advance. Digitalization allows maintenance of lean inventory, brings in accuracy and efficiency in working of technicians.

That results in reduced time spent on unscheduled maintenance, and thereby maximizing aircraft availability. With managed maintenance schedules, costs too are pared. Digital MRO adoption in operations delivers the highest degree of safety.

While supply chain disruptions, makes the entire ecosystem fragile, digital solutions help manage maintenance of expensive materials and parts, and thus control. Going digital, in an industry immediately impacted by supply chain disruption, helps MRO service providers guard against future disruptions, by isolating the problems at the source.


Image Credit: ResearchGate

Although the established MRO service providers who are well-endowed with resources and have big budgets for going digital, before commencing a digital journey, MROS, aerospace, and defence manufacturers must be mindful of certain watchpoints, to avoid a half-hearted or failed attempt.  

The need is for systemwide and industrywide digital adoption, especially in a complex industry like aerospace.

Digital MRO adoption comes with its own set of challenges, and works optimally if integration of that digital solution is rolled out throughout the operations, making every link in the chain interoperable.

Choice of software and technology provider is an important one, suiting the type of the MRO operations with a high level of customisation.

With a high-level of digitisation, comes the exposure to cyber threats. Equally important is then for an entity to make itself cybersecure. That said, additional funds need to be factored in. Therefore, it is necessary to centralize the data and conduct regular audits of the data on MRO inventory, the consumption pattern, condition and quality of the materials, and the system itself.

Preparing for Newer Technology

Image Credit: Aircraft IT/ICF

Quick Access to Information

An important part of digitization is to convert analogue to digital that applies to documentation. With this, access to technical documents becomes readily available to technicians and staff across the MRO operations. Right information at the right time is the objective.

The image (bar chart) above depicts 39,000 aircraft are expected to join various networks by 2027. Out of these, 17,000 assets will be operated using newer technology, like electric aviation. For MRO entities, this means implementation of systems that enable maintenance, repair and overhaul of assets using ‘newer technology,’ any renovation or modification required thereof. This would also apply to the entire supply chain management, parts, and material.

Complexity arrives because of newer planes come with varying parts and components. Single shaft to geared turbofan engines, and from traditional aero material to modern-day carbon fibre reinforced polymers. MROs, must be prepared and stock up to keep up with these changes. It is just that digitization makes the whole process simpler.

Enhance worker productivity

Image Credit: Mobility Outlook

Mechanics and technicians in airline and MRO companies can dispense with non-productive paperwork and legacy documentation processing, gathering enough spare parts and materials, wasting time searching for tools, and engineering blueprints, and all manual activities.  Digital MRO brings quick access and visibility in real-time to all of these. Fast turnaround keeps customers happy and, in turn become repeat customers.

Advanced analytics can improve planning and processes that leads to productivity. Therefore, all stakeholders switching over to digital MRO can literally “Fly to digital” without friction. 

Digital MRO brings in a host of benefits that service providers can avail of like smart manufacturing and products, smart operations/services, digital twin, end-to-end connectivity, track, and trace systems that do a quick search of tools and documents, artificial intelligence, machine learning, augmented and virtual reality, give tremendous ease of executing jobs with mobility. All this with speed and accuracy.

Increase Profit Margins with Digital MRO

Image Credit: Sky Quest Technologies

The aircraft maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO) business is approaching for incremental growth in the near- term according to studies. Optimising resource allocation is an effective way of improving profitability. A robust supply chain can tighten unnecessary expenditure, which includes a great deal of automation of processes, visibility across supply chain, better demand forecasting and reduced cost of carrying inventory.  All mentioned earlier. Besides, a tight-knit coordination with suppliers ensures timely availability of parts.                        

Digitalization throws up vast amounts of MRO data and decisions can be better made using data analysis. The results will show better ways of identify areas for improvement, and implement cost-saving measures.

Augmented reality (AR) and Remote assistance technologies, can reducing errors during jobs, thereby enhancing productivity leading to better profit margins. Remote guidance too, reduces travel costs. Paperless operations through digitisation furthermore reduces administrative cost and man-hours. Adhering to regulatory compliances, maintaining precise and updated records, and an error-free working style, brings in ease of conducting this complex business. 

Digitalization in MRO operations truly has become a game-changer in the aircraft industry.

Image Credit – iBASEt/ Digital Cloth

Weave disparate digital threads into a digital cloth- nothing could get more poetic!

In Conclusion

Digital MRO solutions bode well for the future of the airline industry, given the inherent challenges. Drawing full benefits from digital MRO is the adoption of the technology which must be rolled out end-to-end. Trained technicians, armed with on-time and real-time data that help with quick decision-making is the way to go. At the end of the day good customer -service makes good business sense and wins loyal customers. Huge cost savings for all stakeholders, streamlined workflows, traceability, and efficiency, are some of the key elements that digital MRO bring to the table.   

According to Lockheed Martin’s Mission-Driven Transformation. “The digital thread takes shape long before hardware starts coming together on the factory floor. Design data powers smart tools, connected machines, augmented-reality, and networked supply chains. And the data generated on the factory floor gives customers the insights they need to move at the speed of relevance in the field. That is why advanced production technologies are a key element…”

Major Digital MRO Companies Include:

  • IBM (US)
  • The Boeing Company (US)
  • SAP (Germany)
  • General Electric (US)
  • Lufthansa Technik (Germany)