Aircraft Manufacturers

Deutsche Aircraft updates D328eco EIS to Q4 2027

Deutsche Aircraft updates D328eco EIS to Q4 2027
Despite high pressure on the global aviation manufacturing supply chain, Deutsche Aircraft receives excellent support from business partners and stakeholders.

Deutsche Aircraft adjusts D328eco entry into service to Q4 2027, aligning with regulatory changes and enhancing capabilities for market demands.

Deutsche Aircraft, a leading German OEM, revises the entry into service timeline for its D328eco regional turboprop to Q4 2027. This adjustment aligns with regulatory changes and enhances the aircraft’s development process. The aircraft is now set for EIS in the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2027. The adjustments align with regulatory changes. These changes entail a detailed and comprehensive certification process and associated compliance requirements. Furthermore, this update follows a detailed internal review and intensive discussions with customers, potential operators, the aviation value chain, and key stakeholders. The reasons behind this decision are multifaceted. The revised EIS timeline allows Deutsche Aircraft to implement additional capabilities and improvements to the new regional turboprop.

Deutsche Aircraft continues collaborating closely with current and potential operators and suppliers on the D328eco programme’s latest developments. Several new features and capabilities are under evaluation. Furthermore, these include improved STOL performance in non-benign environments and advanced avionics capabilities. Consequently, the changes will occur within the current certification and programme envelope, advancing the D328eco to meet higher market standards for commercial and multi-role operators.

Dave Jackson, CEO of Deutsche Aircraft, said, “While we have had to realign the EIS for our D328eco, we are taking this opportunity to investigate further product enhancements and satisfied by the tremendous progress of the programme to date: our certification panels with EASA are advancing successfully, start of construction for our Final Assembly Line in Leipzig has begun and we have secured over 95% of our suppliers, including those providing access to strategic growth markets. We will be announcing further milestones during the upcoming Farnborough International Airshow.

Despite high pressure on the global aviation manufacturing supply chain, Deutsche Aircraft receives excellent support from business partners and stakeholders. Moreover, these partnerships remain strong and positive, enabling the programme’s progress.

Dave Jackson, CEO of Deutsche Aircraft, said, “Building on the renowned in-service D328-100, the new D328eco leads the market with innovative elements including a state-of-the-art Garmin avionics suite and PW127XT-S engines which will be fully compatible with SAF-PtL at EIS. These advancements make the D328eco an advanced and unique 21st century turboprop, ready for the future of aviation. Most importantly, we are pleased to receive continued interest and demand for the D328eco from different segments across the market. Our success would not be possible without the dedication of our team, support from our industry partners and the substantial involvement of regional and multi-role operators during product development.”

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Deutsche Aircraft aims to transform regional air travel with the D328eco, offering advanced features such as a spacious cabin, state-of-the-art avionics, superior fuel efficiency, and exceptional operational capabilities. Additionally, these enhancements position the D328eco as a leader in the regional aviation sector.

Q. – What is the revised entry into service (EIS) timeline for the D328eco?
A. – Q4 2027.  

Q. – What new features are being evaluated for the D328eco?
A. – Improved STOL performance and advanced avionics.