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Deutsche Aircraft begins construction of Final Assembly Line for the latest D328eco jet at Leipzig/Halle Airport

Deutsche Aircraft begins construction of Final Assembly Line for the latest D328eco jet at Leipzig Halle Airport.
Spanning approximately 62,000 square meters, the assembly line will have a production capacity of forty-eight D328eco aircraft per year.

The new Deutsche Aircraft assembly line at Leipzig/Halle Airport will focus on the digitalization and efficiency of automated transport systems, and 3D model-supported production.

Deutsche Aircraft’s management team, at Leipzig, Germany along with stakeholders and representatives from Leipzig/Halle Airport, the German government, and the Free State of Saxony, gathered for the ground-breaking ceremony of the highly anticipated aircraft assembly line for the innovative D328eco, a 40-seat turboprop aircraft.

Leipzig, with its strong infrastructure, ample space, and skilled workforce, was chosen as the ideal location for the assembly line, thanks to the strategic alignment of Deutsche Aircraft and Leipzig/Halle Airport, supported by the Free State of Saxony. Saxony has a rich heritage in aircraft construction, which Deutsche Aircraft aims to build upon.

Nico Neumann, the Chief Operating Officer of Deutsche Aircraft, expressed his pride in the construction of the cutting-edge and environmentally friendly final assembly line. The assembly line will adhere to the highest industry standards and sustainability principles.

Nico Neumann, the Chief Operating Officer, Deutsche Aircraft, stating, “At Deutsche Aircraft, we take great pride in the construction of our state-of-the-art and climate-friendly final assembly line.”

Background information German Aircraft Final Assembly Line

-100% climate-friendly

o CO2-neutral energy concept – use of renewable energy
o Solar power through photovoltaics on the roof (750 kW/p.a.)
o Use of efficient heat pumps
o Energy storage can be optionally integrated: smart grid batteries or hydrogen fuel cell
o Green deck on all buildings
o Wood-concrete hybrid construction for administration building
o Electric charging stations for cars and bicycles using energy from PV

Dave Jackson, the CEO of Deutsche Aircraft said, “This is a key milestone in our D328eco program, and we are pleased to take this step following our program objectives.”

Recognizing the strategic importance of Deutsche Aircraft in the aviation industry, Dr. Anna Christmann, the Federal Government Coordinator of German Aerospace, highlighted the German government’s support.

Dr. Anna Christmann, the Federal Government Coordinator of German Aerospace, Germany said, “For the German government, Deutsche Aircraft is a strategic partner for the sustainable development of the aviation industry. The D328eco is an important industrial policy project for the German government.”

Background information German Aircraft Final Assembly Line

-100% digital

o Paperless production throughout all processes
o Automated and driverless transport systems
o Automated parts and tool storage
o 3D model-supported production with the possibility of AR (augmented reality)

Michael Kretschmer, Prime Minister, the Free State of Saxony said, “The establishment of Deutsche Aircraft at Leipzig Airport is a great success and underscores Saxony’s attractiveness as a business location. For the first time since reunification, a final assembly line for aircraft construction is being built in the new federal states. As an aircraft manufacturer, Deutsche Aircraft will strengthen the aerospace industry in Saxony and complement the excellent research facilities, supplier companies and maintenance and conversion experts in the Free State. Up to 350 new jobs will be created at Leipzig Airport with state-of-the-art and, more importantly, climate-friendly production conditions.”

The new assembly line at Leipzig/Halle Airport solidifies the airport’s position as a champion of sustainable aviation. With a focus on digitalization and efficiency, the assembly line will adopt paperless production processes, automated transport systems, and 3D model-supported production. It will also feature state-of-the-art manufacturing tools and optimized process flows, tailored specifically for the D328eco.

Background information German Aircraft Final Assembly Line

-100% modern + lean

o Newly designed, efficient manufacturing tools (e.g. for the fuselage)
o Use of energy-efficient battery tools
o Optimal process flows (digitally designed and supported)
o Production line tailored to D328eco
o New generation integral factory planning
o Glass factory with the possibility for customers to visit the production line
o Expansion options planned for the site

Spanning approximately 62,000 square meters, the assembly line will have a production capacity of forty-eight D328eco aircraft per year. In addition to the production hall, the facility will include a hangar for aircraft delivery, a logistics center, and an administration building. Sebastian Böhnl, the Director of Infrastructure and Digitalization at Deutsche Aircraft, highlighted the assembly line’s commitment to being carbon-neutral.

Sebastian Böhnl, the Director of Infrastructure and Digitalization at Deutsche Aircraft said, “The assembly line is designed to be completely CO2-neutral.” The production facility will incorporate various sustainable practices, including solar power generation, heat pumps, energy storage options, green spaces on the roof, and electric charging stations.

-Key specifications

o 62,000 sqm site (about twice the area of the Lincoln MemorialReflecting Pool)
o Final Assembly Line (FAL) and Flight Readiness Hangar (FR)
o Logistics Centre (LSC) and Administration Building
o Production capacity for forty-eight D328eco aircraft per year
o 250–350 new employees
o Investment: >100 million EUR

Götz Ahmelmann, the CEO, Mitteldeutsche Flughafen AG said, “Deutsche Aircraft’s new assembly line at Leipzig/Halle Airport will make our airport one of the beacons of sustainable aviation.”

The construction of the assembly line will create 250–350 new jobs at Leipzig Airport, fostering the growth of the aerospace industry in Saxony and contributing to the region’s already flourishing research facilities, supplier companies, and maintenance and conversion expertise.

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The investment in this groundbreaking project exceeds 100 million EUR, demonstrating Deutsche Aircraft’s commitment to innovation, sustainability, and the future of aviation. As Deutsche Aircraft breaks ground on this state-of-the-art assembly line, it marks a significant milestone