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‘COVID-19 lockdown and air travel’ IATA issues statement to governments

Alexandre de Juniac, Director, IATA and Chief Economist Brian Pearce focused on showing the latest impact of the renewed lockdowns on the prospects for air travel.
A more balanced public policy approach is needed—one that is based on testing as a replacement for quarantines so that we can begin addressing the severe side-effects of COVID-19 policies

12 January 2021: Alexandre de Juniac, Director, IATA and Chief Economist Brian Pearce focused on showing the latest impact of the renewed lockdowns on the prospects for air travel. IATA renewed the industry’s call for governments to deploy more flexible policies to safely reopen borders by using testing rather than rely on quarantines.

Following is the statement issued by IATA on COVID-19 lockdown and airtravel –

“We are working tirelessly with governments to keep flying safe and reduce the risk of COVID-19 importation via travel with the implementation of the ICAO CART recommendations proposals to replace quarantine with COVID-19 testing. But, as Brian pointed out, the industry’s situation is still perilous,” said Alexandre de Juniac

He further added, “In fact, it got worse over the year-end holiday period.

While we still see airlines turning cash positive within the year, the near-term picture is bleak. Instead of a boost from the year-end holiday period, we got even more restrictions. Governments tightened borders in a knee-jerk response to a virus mutation. Canada, UK, Germany, Japan and others added testing to their COVID-19 measures without removing quarantine requirements. In other words, they have chosen policy measures that will shut down travel.

This approach tells us that these governments are not interested in managing a balanced approach to the risks of COVID-19.  They appear to be aiming for a zero-COVID world. This is an impossible task that comes with severe consequences—the full extent of which it would be impossible to calculate. But, with this approach, we know for sure that:

  • The travel and tourism economy will not recover.
  • Jobs will continue to disappear.
  • And the lockdown’s toll on people’s mental health will continue to grow—particularly on those who are separated from loved ones.

A more balanced public policy approach is needed—one that is based on testing as a replacement for quarantines so that we can begin addressing the severe side-effects of COVID-19 policies.

Science tells us that travelers will not be a significant factor in community transmission if testing is used effectively. But most governments have tunnel-vision on quarantine and are not at all focused on finding ways to safely re-open borders—or alleviate the self-imposed economic and mental health hardships of the lockdowns.

There was some good news over the holidays. We continued to prepare for the day that governments are ready to open borders—with testing or with vaccinations. The first pilot of the IATA Travel Pass app was launched in partnership with Singapore Airlines on routes to Kuala Lumpur and to Jakarta. We are still on track for a full rollout of the app during the first quarter of this year.

I will conclude by repeating a quote from the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres. He emphasized the urgent need to re-start flying by saying that:

“Aviation is an important engine of our world and will play a critical role in lifting the world to recovery from COVID-19. Let us ensure it receives the support it needs to keep the world’s nations connected and united.”

The support starts with consistent, well-reasoned, scientifically supported policies to manage the risks of COVID-19 and travel. That is the antithesis of what we witnessed over the holiday period. Our top priority for 2021 is to change that!”