Defence Technology

Collins to provide NP2000 propeller systems for US Air Force’s C-130H aircraft

The NP2000 has accumulated more than 1 million flight hours since entering service in 2004.
NP2000 offers a 20 percent thrust increase during take-off, a 50 percent reduction in maintenance man-hours and a 20db sound reduction in the cockpit.

USAF has now ordered NP2000 upgrades for a total of 83 C-130H aircraft.

24 September 2021: US National Guard and Air Force Reserve have selected Collins Aerospace to deliver NP2000 propeller systems for an additional 26 C-130H aircraft. Collins has installed the system on 16 Air Force C-130H to date, including aircraft for the Georgia, Nevada and Wyoming Air National Guard units. The Air Force plans to retrofit approximately 140 C-130H with NP2000 and has now ordered NP2000 upgrades for 83 C-130H aircraft.

Quinlan Lyte, senior director, Propeller Systems for Collins Aerospace said, “NP2000 incorporates advanced technologies that provide operators increased thrust, reduced maintenance and enhanced crew comfort. For these reasons, the Air Force has made NP2000 a central part of its C-130H modernization efforts.”

With its eight composite blades and digital Electronic Propeller Control System (EPCS), NP2000 offers a 20 percent thrust increase during take-off, a 50 percent reduction in maintenance man-hours and a 20db sound reduction in the cockpit compared to legacy systems. NP2000 is also in service with US and international customers on the E-2 and C-2 aircraft. The system has accumulated more than 1 million flight hours since entering service in 2004.