
Collins Aerospace unveiled Electronic Cabin Bag for efficient inflight services

Passengers can make service requests and shop inflight with their personal electronic devices
Provides crew members with digital passenger manifests, real-time inventory and order management capability

It digitalizes and automates cabin crew tasks while enabling passengers to use their personal electronic devices for inflight shopping and service requests.

17 June 2021: Collins Aerospace has unveiled their new touchless in-flight solution called Electronic Cabin Bag (eCB) for increasing the operating efficiency of inflight services and enhancing passenger experience. This solution is now available to airlines across the globe. It digitalizes and automates cabin crew tasks while enabling passengers to use their personal electronic devices for inflight shopping and service requests.

By digitizing documents, inflight processes and inflight inventory, the eCB solution puts the information that the cabin crew needs to better serve passengers on a single device, replacing traditional paper-heavy processes. The solution also eliminates the need for passengers to touch high-traffic call buttons.

Clotilde Enel-Rehel, general manager for Commercial Aviation & Network Services for Collins Aerospace said, “eCB gives airlines a boost in efficiency and ancillary revenue while simultaneously helping their passengers and crew feel confident in returning to travel. The data and analytics generated by eCB will also enable airlines to make informed decisions to better support their strategic and tactical planning.”

In addition, eCB enables airline passengers to access real-time onboard inventory of food, beverage and inflight shopping at any stage during the flight, with the knowledge that what is being shown to them is what is available to purchase. eCB is further enhanced when the aircraft has a satellite connection to enable real-time credit card payment verification — reducing the levels of fraudulent transactions.