
C&L Aerospace acquires 4 Citation Aircraft for Teardown

C&L Aerospace acquires 4 Citation Aircraft for Teardown

C&L Aerospace has purchased two Citation Sovereign and two Cessna Citation XLS aircraft for teardown with two under aircraft disassembly, and other two already completed at its Bangor MRO facility.

C&L Aerospace, a division of C&L Aviation Group, has expanded its aircraft teardown and parts program with the acquisition of two Cessna Citation Sovereign and two Citation XLS aircraft. The company is currently undertaking disassembly projects on two of the aircraft, with the other two already completed at its Bangor MRO facility.

The move is part of C&L’s strategy to offer a comprehensive parts program for operators of Citation Sovereign and XLS aircraft, addressing the market demand for specific components for these models. Recognizing the scarcity of parts in the market for these aircraft, C&L aims to be a reliable source for operators looking for aftermarket parts.

“With these aircraft, we are launching a tip-to-tail parts program for Sovereign and XLS operators,” said Chris Kilgour, CEO, C&L Aviation Group. “We recognize the scarcity in the market for these particular aircraft parts, so we are making investments now, and in the future, to be a reliable partner for those looking to source parts in the aftermarket,” he further added.

As part of its inventory management process, C&L Aerospace will inspect and prepare the acquired parts for sale. This includes photographing and barcoding each part, with corresponding documentation made available through viewable links on customer quotes, enhancing transparency in the purchasing process.

C&L Aviation Group is a leading provider of services in the corporate and regional aviation industry. Alongside its aircraft teardown and parts program, the company offers aircraft and engine sales and leasing programs, heavy maintenance, interior refurbishment, and aircraft management.

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Headquartered in Bangor, Maine, C&L has a global presence with offices in the United States, Australia, Africa, Europe, Singapore, and Latin America. The expansion of the teardown and parts program aligns with the company’s goal to enhance its support for operators seeking reliable sources for aircraft components.