
Brazilian Development Bank extends support to Embraer in post-pandemic recovery

Regional aviation has played an extremely important role in the recovery of commercial flights around the world and this has benefited Embraer jets.
This deal is an important step for BNDES, supporting Embraer in the resumption of sales growth in the context of the greatest challenge ever faced.

The E175 carries upto 88 passengers and is one of the least impacted models by the COVID19 pandemic.

11 October 2021: The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) approved financing to export 24 Embraer E175 commercial jets to SkyWest Airlines. This deal will strengthen Brazil’s industry at a time when it is recovering from the pandemic effects. Besides, it will also boost the presence of high-tech Brazilian products in the aviation market. The deliveries will start in August 2022 and continue to April 2022.

Bruno Aranha, director of Productive and Socio-environmental Credit at BNDES, stressed the institution’s importance in financing exports. He said, “BNDES has an established and significant presence in Brazil’s export system, having an anti-cyclical performance that has maintained Brazilian exporters over more than 25 years. This deal is another important step for BNDES, supporting Embraer in the resumption of sales growth in the context of the greatest challenge ever faced in the history of the aeronautical sector, thus ensuring the maintenance of qualified jobs in the country.”

The E175 carries upto 88 passengers and is one of the least impacted models by the COVID19 pandemic. Currently, there are more than 600 E175s in operation worldwide, making it the leader in its segment. Despite the pandemic effects, the American market has recovered. In May 2020, the number of flights in operation was only 24 percent of what it was in May 2019. However, that rate increased to 80 per cent in May of 2021. With economic recovery on the horizon, BNDES and Embraer intensified their operations.

Robert Simmons, SkyWest’s Chief Financial Officer said, “As the world’s largest owner/operator of the Embraer E175 aircraft, SkyWest has been very pleased with BNDES’s support as our primary financing partner for this important plane. BNDES has epitomized partnership through years of growth in a variety of economic environments.

Antonio Carlos Garcia, Embraer’s Executive Vice President, Financial and Investor Relations said, “BNDES’ support is essential as the air transport market recovers in the US, the main market for our Embraer 175 jet. Regional aviation has played an extremely important role in the recovery of commercial flights around the world and this has benefited Embraer jets, which are the most efficient in the industry. We are the largest exporter of high-value goods in Brazil and have been able to implement and offer smart and flexible financing solutions for our customers, in line with the growth strategy we project for the next few years.

The aeronautical sector is considered strategic by the nations due to aspects such as advanced technology, continuous innovation, and highly skilled workers. Export credit agencies operate to complement the private credit market, doing so more intensely in times of crisis, which is clear in the history between the BNDES and Embraer.