
Bii aero stocks the pool of fast-turning items acquires, A320-A321 interior components

Bii will utilise its carefully selected MRO vendor base in order to recertify the interior cabin/galley material to ensure quality and availability on the shelf.
Bii aero has acquired a stock of about 1,700 line items including a broad spectrum of sometimes, hard to source OEM interior components from Zodiac, Airbus, BE Aerospace, Adams-Rite, Holmco, Diehl, and Goodrich amongst others

24 November 2020: In an effort to expand the aircraft parts and services for the commercial governmental/military and rotary aviation sectors, Bii aero has acquired a stock of about 1,700 line items including a broad spectrum of sometimes, hard to source OEM interior components from Zodiac, Airbus, BE Aerospace, Adams-Rite, Holmco, Diehl, and Goodrich amongst others. Components included are vacuum lavatories, smoke detectors, ovens, coffee makers, crew handsets, chillers, faucets, fire extinguishers, lights, and attendant seats. This boosted stock of A320 family galley inserts is further supplemented by a large consignment from a major European airline which Bii will manage.

Andrew Newell, Sales Director at Bii said, “Bii’s warehousing and logistics management is increasingly accessed by third parties seeking flexible support partners. We have the expertise and agreements in place to manage and support the repair and sale of components to achieve best market value for the airline realising the best possible financial return.”

Bii will utilise its carefully selected MRO vendor base in order to recertify the interior cabin/galley material to ensure quality and availability on the shelf. This will further complement the Company’s ability to support aircraft with a range of AOG/loan/exchange and outright sale options.

“The market for these items is constant when aircraft are flying” further explained Newell. “The most frequently removed items are normally water heaters, coffee makers and ovens, so we are building a pool of these fast-turning items.  Some airlines are currently taking equipment from teardowns and parked aircraft, but these still need to be recertified.  For many operators a better solution is to buy recently certified material instead of cannibalising parked aircraft and storing up shortage problems. Vacuum lavatories will always be a priority.”

Although airlines are serving less food and hot drinks nowadays due to COVID-19, the sale of refreshments on board is an important revenue stream that Bii is looking to reinstate as quickly as possible.