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Airbus to retrofit 26 Bundeswehr CH-53 helicopter for BAAINBw

Airbus Helicopters has signed a contract with the Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support (BAAINBw) to retrofit 26 CH-53 heavy transport helicopters. This deal will cover destruction of components that are no longer available and will begin by replacing them with up-to-date parts.

This retrofit will assure the performance of helicopters until at least 2030. The development will start in 2017 and should be completed by 2022. Work will be carried out in Donauworth at Airbus Helicopters’ Military Support Center Germany.

“This order enables both the German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) and also our Donauwörth plant to plan ahead with certainty,” said Wolfgang Schoder, CEO of Airbus Helicopters Deutschland. “Airbus Helicopters has been the German specialist for maintaining, repairing and modernising heavy transport helicopters for decades. We have the necessary infrastructure, highly trained professionals and can guarantee supply for all Bundeswehr models.”