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Airbus joins industry leaders to form UK hydrogen alliance

Airbus joins industry leaders to form UK hydrogen alliance.
The formation of the Hydrogen in Aviation alliance represents a historic turning point for the UK's aviation industry.

Airbus along with influential entities such as easyJet, Rolls-Royce, Ørsted, GKN Aerospace, and Bristol Airport formed this alliance to spearhead the drive for zero-carbon aviation in the UK.

Airbus has announced that in an epochal stride toward ushering in a new era of sustainable aviation, a coalition of formidable industry players in the United Kingdom has given birth to the Hydrogen in Aviation (HIA) alliance. Comprising influential entities such as easyJet, Rolls-Royce, Airbus, Ørsted, GKN Aerospace, and Bristol Airport, this formidable alliance is poised to spearhead the drive for zero-carbon aviation in the UK. Its mission? To seize the immense potential that hydrogen, the universe’s most abundant element, holds for revolutionizing the aviation industry, not to mention the overall impact on the country’s decarbonization ambitions.

While various strategies are being pursued to decarbonize aviation, including sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), synthetic fuels, and advanced battery technologies, the HIA alliance is staunchly advocating for the elevated recognition of hydrogen’s substantial contribution to this cause. Hydrogen, with its unparalleled energy density and clean-burning properties, is emerging as a prominent alternative fuel, especially for short-haul aviation. This new initiative seeks to propel the UK to the forefront of the global hydrogen aviation movement.

Johan Lundgren, CEO of easyJet and first Chair of HIA said, “There is no doubt that the UK has the potential to become a world leader in hydrogen aviation, which could bring with it a £34bn per annum boost to the country’s economy by 2050, but in order to capture this opportunity, rapid change is needed and the time to act is now. We must work together to deliver the radical solutions required for a hard to abate industry like aviation so we can protect and maximise the benefits that it brings to the UK economy and society and that we know British consumers want to be preserved. HIA looks forward to working with the UK Government to ensure the right funding, regulatory and policy changes are implemented to accelerate the delivery of zero carbon aviation.”

The Promising Horizon of Hydrogen in Aviation

Groundbreaking Hydrogen Projects: One of the foremost reasons driving the HIA alliance’s advocacy for hydrogen in aviation is the astounding progress made in developing hydrogen-powered aircraft. Airbus, a global aviation giant, is at the forefront of this endeavor, actively crafting hydrogen-fueled aircraft designs with the goal of commencing commercial service by 2035. This ambitious endeavor heralds a new dawn for aviation, where hydrogen could become the go-to energy source for sustainable flight.

Rolls-Royce’s Pioneering Ground Tests: In 2022, Rolls-Royce, the renowned aero-engine manufacturer, accomplished a remarkable feat – successful ground tests of a jet engine powered by hydrogen. This achievement underscored the viability of hydrogen as a clean and efficient fuel for aviation, opening up exciting possibilities for a more sustainable future.

Pioneering Hydrogen-Powered Flight Tests: Beyond the aviation behemoths, several smaller operators are making rapid strides in realizing hydrogen-powered flight. Companies like ZeroAvia and Universal Hydrogen have already conducted flight tests, marking significant milestones in the development of hydrogen aviation technology. These pioneers are leading the way, proving that hydrogen could soon power the aviation industry.

Grazia Vittadini, Chief Technology Officer, Rolls-Royce said, “Collaboration is key when it comes to achieving our net zero ambitions as an industry, which is why we are proud to be part of the Hydrogen in Aviation Alliance. Our contribution to HIA is the capability and experience we have in pioneering new technologies and solutions – we have already tested a modern aero engine on green hydrogen and we strongly believe it is one of the solutions that will help decarbonise aviation in the mid to long-term.”

HIA’s Roadmap for Hydrogen-Powered Aviation

The Hydrogen in Aviation alliance does not merely seek to evangelize the potential of hydrogen but to actively engineer a pathway for its incorporation into the aviation ecosystem. This monumental undertaking will require concerted efforts from government bodies, local authorities, aviation stakeholders, and, of course, the hydrogen industry.

The alliance’s strategic objectives revolve around three key pillars:

1. Infrastructure Development: The first critical area of focus involves advocating for the creation of the essential infrastructure required to support hydrogen-powered aviation. This includes the establishment of hydrogen production facilities, storage solutions, refueling infrastructure, and airport integration. Ensuring that the UK has the necessary infrastructure in place is pivotal for realizing the potential of hydrogen in aviation.

2. Regulatory Framework: In the pursuit of hydrogen-powered aviation, the regulatory framework governing the industry must evolve and adapt. HIA is committed to working alongside aviation authorities to ensure that the regulatory landscape is primed for the introduction of hydrogen-powered aircraft. This encompasses certification standards, safety protocols, and operational guidelines tailored to hydrogen’s unique characteristics.

3. Research and Development Support: A robust research and development (R&D) ecosystem is indispensable for advancing hydrogen aviation technologies. To this end, the alliance aims to transform hydrogen aviation R&D support into a sustained 10-year program. This extended timeframe will provide the stability and resources necessary for researchers and innovators to drive the industry forward.

Sabine Klauke, Chief Technology Officer, Airbus said, “As Airbus continues to mature the aircraft technologies needed to deliver hydrogen-powered flight, a united industry voice is needed to secure a robust ecosystem of renewably-sourced hydrogen. Joining our peers from across the UK aviation landscape in a targeted approach to policy and investment action brings us closer to a decarbonised future of flying.” 

High Stakes and Enormous Potential

Hydrogen aviation offers an array of compelling benefits, touching various aspects of society and the economy:

1. Zero-Carbon Emissions: Hydrogen, when used as an aircraft fuel, generates no carbon emissions, providing a crucial tool for achieving net-zero targets in aviation.

2. Job Creation: The transition to hydrogen aviation is not only an environmental imperative but an economic opportunity. The DfT’s Jet Zero Strategy outlines the potential for the UK to secure 60,000 new jobs in the hydrogen aviation sector.

3. Economic Growth: The UK aviation industry is a significant contributor to the country’s economy, adding more than £22 billion directly to GDP. A successful pivot to hydrogen could sustain and expand this contribution.

4. Preserving Social Benefits: Aviation plays a pivotal role in connecting people, facilitating business, and enabling travel. Hydrogen-powered flight preserves these societal benefits while mitigating environmental impact.

Olivia Breese, Senior Vice President and Head of Power-to-X for Ørsted said, “Ørsted is fully committed to renewable hydrogen as a key solution to defossilise hard-to-electrify sectors such as aviation. Our long experience in developing and deploying new technologies has taught us that collaboration across policy makers, developers, customers and supply chain – and considerable investment from each of them – is critical to bring down costs and drive a new sector to scale. Alliances such as the HIA are essential to bring together different actors across the value chain to support and accelerate the role hydrogen can, and must, play in the UK.”

The UK’s Position of Strength

The UK is poised to lead the global charge in adopting hydrogen technology for aviation. Its impressive research and development activities, including the first ground test of a fully hydrogen-powered jet engine, have positioned the country at the vanguard of hydrogen aviation. The first hydrogen-powered narrow-body aircraft is slated for short-haul flights across the UK and Europe by 2035.

The HIA alliance recognizes that maximizing this potential will involve upskilling existing workforces, creating new jobs through the export of UK-made technologies, and fostering a sustainable energy economy.

Public Support for Hydrogen Aviation

The British public stands firmly behind the concept of hydrogen-powered aviation. A recent survey conducted by easyJet, a founding member of the HIA alliance, revealed that 81% of respondents believe hydrogen is the best option for decarbonizing aviation. Furthermore, 91% of respondents support government investments in hydrogen production and utilization in the aviation sector. The overwhelming majority (89%) of participants believe hydrogen should be prioritized for hard-to-abate sectors like aviation.

In a remarkable display of enthusiasm, 92% of respondents expressed excitement about the potential for hydrogen aviation to create numerous new jobs across the UK. This resonates with the findings of a government consultation in 2021, which predicted that developing a UK hydrogen economy could support over 9,000 jobs by 2030 and up to 100,000 jobs by 2050.

The Road Ahead

The formation of the Hydrogen in Aviation alliance represents a historic turning point for the UK’s aviation industry. By forging collaboration among industry leaders, policymakers, and the public, the alliance aims to expedite the development of zero-carbon aviation. This concerted effort positions the UK as a global frontrunner in leveraging hydrogen technology to reimagine the future of flight.

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As hydrogen continues to gain momentum as a green aviation solution, the HIA alliance is poised to propel the UK into a new era of sustainable aviation, preserving the benefits of air travel for generations to come.