
Air New Zealand to train aviation engineers with NMIT

Air New Zealand to train aviation engineers with NMIT.
NMIT | Te Pūkenga Aviation School of Engineering, with its specialized tutors, trains over 150 learners annually to build, repair, and maintain various aircraft.

The initial outcome of the Air New Zealand MoU introduces Level 3 and Level 4 New Zealand Certificates of Aeronautical Engineering at NMIT, and the sharing of resources and expertise.

Air New Zealand and Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology (NMIT) | Te Pūkenga have formalized an agreement to collaborate in addressing New Zealand’s aviation engineering skills requirements. The memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the national carrier and NMIT’s Aviation School of Engineering aims to create new opportunities for learners in the region and beyond. The collaboration between Air New Zealand and NMIT began through their membership in Ringa Hora (Services) Workforce Development Council (WDC) and engagement with Marlborough’s Regional Skills Leadership Group (RSLG), Marlborough District Council, and aviation-focused stakeholders.

The initial outcome of this collaboration introduces Level 3 and Level 4 New Zealand Certificates of Aeronautical Engineering at NMIT, along with the sharing of resources and expertise. These certificates will provide a foundational knowledge base for trainees looking to enter Air New Zealand’s apprenticeship programs. The Minister of Education, Jan Tinetti, will be present at the MoU signing to demonstrate the government’s support for this initiative.

“It’s great to be working closely with Air New Zealand to foster the industry’s talent pipeline while offering ākonga greater choice and support for where they see their futures’ heading,” said Reid Carnegie, NMIT Curriculum Area Manager— Engineering, Construction and Infrastructure, NMIT.

NMIT | Te Pūkenga Aviation School of Engineering, with its specialized tutors, trains over 150 learners annually to build, repair, and maintain various aircraft. This partnership is designed to establish a clear educational pathway in both General Aviation Engineering – the school’s current focus – and the airline industry.

Alex Marren, Chief Operating Officer, Air New Zealand said, “The collaboration with NMIT will help build a career path for students and make it easier for Air New Zealand to take on NMIT graduates. Exciting times are ahead at Air New Zealand as we continue to rebuild our international network, further grow our domestic services, and strive for a future with next-generation aircraft. It’s critical we have the engineering and maintenance workforce to meet our operational needs. The global job market for aircraft engineers is highly competitive, and the MoU will help to ensure we are developing local talent here in Aotearoa.”

The partnership’s timely development has allowed Aviation Engineering to be integrated into the local Trades Academy initiative offered through area high schools. Starting next year, Year 12 and 13 students will have the opportunity to learn aviation and engineering principles using remote-controlled planes while pursuing NCEA qualifications.

“The MoU is a win for the new joined-up approach we are taking to training to make sure we are doing everything we can to nurture the people who will keep Aotearoa New Zealand flying. We’re also looking forward to seeing how we can realise the benefits of the partnership with Air New Zealand across our national network which – in aviation engineering provision – also includes workplace training provider Service IQ | Te Pūkenga.” said Mark Oldershaw, Executive Director, Region 3, Te Pūkenga Tumu Whenua ā-Rohe 3|.

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As vocational education in New Zealand undergoes reform to empower employers and ensure graduates are ready for the workforce, collaborations like this MoU between Air New Zealand and NMIT exemplify the nation’s commitment to nurturing talent and addressing industry skills needs. This partnership not only facilitates education but also serves as a strategic move to strengthen the local aviation industry and create high-value career opportunities for the next generation of engineers.