
AFI KLM E&M to carry out MRO work for Bamboo Airways fleet

Through this agreement, Bamboo Airways is demonstrating its trust in AFI KLM E&M as a benchmark industrial service provider.
AFI KLM E&M will also undertake C-Check maintenance visits for the Boeing 787s at its facilities in Amsterdam for Bamboo fleet.

Bamboo Airways is more than delighted to extend collaboration with AFI KLM E&M, thus creating further value for both sides.

Bamboo Airways and AFI KLM E&M have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for maintenance of the Bamboo Airways fleet of Boeing 787, Airbus A320, and Embraer aircraft. As a part of the agreement, AFI KLM E&M will provide shop visits for the GEnx engines fitted on Bamboo Airways’ Boeing 787s fleet, and for the engines equipped on their A320 Familly. AFI KLM E&M may also be called upon for new C-Check maintenance visits for the Boeing 787s at its facilities in Amsterdam, as well as line maintenance operations across an extended stopover network based on the destinations Bamboo Airways flies to. Besides, Bamboo Airways will gain access to the capabilities of EPCOR, the AFI KLM E&M affiliate specializing in the maintenance of APUs, for support of its APS2300 (EJets) and APS5000 (Boeing 787) products.

Ton Dortmans, EVP KLM Engineering & Maintenance said, “We’re proud and thrilled at the prospect of continuing to support the soaring success of Bamboo Airways, a young and dynamic airline that has not let the health crisis hold back its international development. We are fully committed to honoring the trust placed in us, and are ready to roll out new support solutions adapted to the needs of Bamboo Airways.”

Mai Dinh Toan, Deputy General Director of Bamboo Airways said, “AFI KLM E&M has proven to be a trusted airline-MRO expertise partner with its global footprint, multi-product catalogue, the flexibility of its programs and solutions as well as responsiveness, which have led us to reiterate confidence in them. Bamboo Airways is more than delighted to extend collaboration with AFI KLM E&M, thus creating further value for both sides in an attempt to spread its wings to promising international markets in the near future.”

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Through this agreement, Bamboo Airways is once again demonstrating its trust in AFI KLM E&M as a benchmark industrial service provider, capable of supplying adaptive and high-performance aviation maintenance solutions across a large range of products. The young ambitious Vietnamese carrier will draw the benefits of AFI KLM E&M’s dual expertise as an Airline-MRO and its global network, supporting its operations and business development through tailor-made support services.