
Aero Locarno doubles the order of Sonaca 200 Trainer Pros

Aero Locarno had signed up for 5 aircraft in March 2020, prior to the pandemic
The Sonaca 200s will replace our old Cessnas. It goes without saying that glass cockpit and state-of-the-art aircraft will further spark interest in our school

24 November 2020:  Aero Locarno has recently doubled its initial order of 5 Sonaca 200 Trainer Pros. The revised order now stands to a total of 10 aircraft.

“Even though we are going through a difficult time in aviation, we are seeing a steady demand for training which justifies the investment in a brand new fleet. We feel the need to harmonise our aircraft fleet by acquiring additional Sonaca 200 Trainer Pros. The Sonaca 200s will replace our old Cessnas. It goes without saying that glass cockpit and state-of-the-art aircraft will further spark interest in our school “, said Stefano Buratti, Aero Locarno CEO

Aero Locarno had signed up for 5 aircraft in March 2020, prior to the pandemic. Out of the 10 aircraft, first six will be delivered early next year. Aero Locarno SA is an Approved-Training-Organization (ATO). In the last two years their training capacity has been more than doubled as well as the fleet size reaching the number of 11 airplanes and one professional fixed based simulator.