
Barfield signs sale and support agreement with AERACCESS

AERACCESS has a high standard of meeting their commitments to customer through a balanced mix of innovation, customization, and series production
Barfield’s expertise in aeronautics, its extensive commercial and government contracting activities along with its customer focus strategy to deliver exceptional products and services is a perfect fit to bring AERACCESS products and solutions to the Americas

AFI KLM E&M American Subsidiary Barfield, signs an agreement with AERACCESS to sell and support its Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in the Americas.

23 April 2021: Barfield in another milestone in UAV growth strategy have signed an agreement with AERACCESS. As per the agreement Barfield will sell and support AERACCESS Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Americas.

 “We are extremely happy to be partnering with AERACCESS. We have been studying the UAV thriving market for quite some time and found that AERACCESS has a high standard of meeting their commitments to customer through a balanced mix of innovation, customization, and series production. Their UAVs perform where others cannot deliver. This is exactly in Barfield’s DNA and we strive to continue along these lines for this strategic addition to our expertise in aircraft engineering,” said Herve Page, Barfield’s Chief Executive Officer.

Barfield’s expertise in aeronautics, its extensive commercial and government contracting activities along with its customer focus strategy to deliver exceptional products and services is a perfect fit to bring AERACCESS products and solutions to the Americas. This is an important step forward in our overall development strategy,” declared Shehzaad Callachand, AERACCESS’ Chief Executive Officer & Founder.

AERACCESS is a performance driven and innovative Surveillance Drone manufacturer, whose product range focuses on law enforcement, defense, facility security, and border enforcement solutions.