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Bombardier to Showcase its Safety Leadership at the Georgia Business Aviation Association’s Annual Safety Day and Static Display

Bombardier will be front and centre at the Georgia Business Aviation Association’s (GBAA’s) 11th Annual Safety Day & Static Display, to be held on August 25, 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia. Bombardier’s category-leading Learjet 75 aircraft and the class-defining Challenger 350 business jet will be featured on static display at the event.

The GBAA pioneered the concept of regional daylong safety events in 2005, inspired by Bombardier’s Safety Standdown and the Business Aviation Safety Summit programs. Today, Safety Days are held by regional aviation groups across the U.S., often with inspiration and guidance from the GBAA.

The Safety Day’s action-packed agenda will feature topical safety workshops hosted by industry leading exhibitors. Bombardier’s continued sponsorship is a reflection of the company’s active and longstanding commitment to promoting safe aviation practices both regionally and worldwide.

In recent months alone, Bombardier has been a leading participant and sponsor at the Russian United Business Aviation Association’s two-day safety workshop, the Greater Washington Business Aviation Association’s Safety Standdown and the European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition’s Safety Workshop. Next month, Bombardier representatives will participate in the General Aviation Air Safety Investigators Workshop to be held September 19-21, 2016 in Wichita, Kansas. Bombardier’s iconic Safety Standdown event, which has been helping to transform the behavioural practices of aviation professionals for the past 20 years, will take place the following week, from September 27- 29, 2016, also in Wichita.

“Bombardier has long believed that an original equipment manufacturer can make a unique and important contribution in promoting aviation safety practices,” said Jean-Christophe Gallagher, Vice-President, Strategy, Marketing and Innovation, Bombardier Business Aircraft. “The GBAA has been a leader in bringing safety education to aviation professionals close to home, and we are pleased to once again join forces with our likeminded friends in Georgia to help increase safety awareness and cultivate the mindset of prevention in the region.”

The U.S. is an important market for Bombardier. Currently, some 2,500 Bombardier business jets are based in the U.S. In 2015, approximately half of all Bombardier Business Aircraft deliveries were made to customers in the U.S. Bombardier employs some 7,000 people across the U.S.