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Boeing to produce ‘real-as-it-gets’ simulators for T-7A Red hawk for US Air Force

Boeing teams are currently assembling the first two weapons systems trainers and an operational flight trainer at the company’s St. Louis site.
The simulators , can digitally connect to actual T-7A aircraft and enable live virtual constructive and embedded training scenarios.

2 December 2020: Boeing has started the production of ground-based training system (GBTS) for the T-7A Red Hawk for the US Air Force. The delivery of first simulators is expected by 2023. Boeing teams are currently assembling the first two weapons systems trainers and an operational flight trainer at the company’s St. Louis site. These simulators, which are the foundation for pilot training and key to the Air Force’s readiness, can digitally connect to actual T-7A aircraft and enable live virtual constructive and embedded training scenarios.

“The Red Hawk’s training system is arguably the most advanced in the world. It’s a game changer,” said Chuck Dabundo, vice president of Boeing T-7 Programs. “This system is 100 per cent integrated with the pilot’s real-world experience, offering ‘real-as-it-gets’ simulation. We’re working closely with the US Air Force and look forward to testing and fielding the devices.” 

The training simulators are equipped with high-fidelity crew stations that include dynamic motion seats and the Boeing Constant Resolution Visual System’s 8K native projectors, offering 16 times the clarity of traditional high-definition video (1080p).

“This is the most accurate, immersive experience that any pilot can have outside the aircraft,” said Sherri Koehnemann, T-7A Training & Sustainment director at Boeing Global Services. “We’ve integrated the training across the board, including ‘one push’ software updates. What a pilot sees in the classroom, on his or her desktop training devices, and in the operational and weapon systems trainers will be what they see in the jet. Future pilots can expect more holistic, immersive training.”

The T-7A’s GBTS was built on an open systems architecture of hardware and digital software that will allow it to grow with the Air Force’s evolving needs.