Executives in Focus

Looking forward to build on Brussel Airlines strengths and improve competitiveness- Peter Gerber

In the last months, Brussels Airlines has reached important milestones within its turnaround plan ‘Reboot Plus
“Brussels Airlines has many assets and together with the Brussels Airlines management and all 3,500 employees I am looking forward to build on the company’s strengths while increasing our competitiveness and making our way of working future proof”,

19 November 2020: Peter Gerber will step down as the CEO of Lufthansa Cargo to join as the CEO of Brussels Airlines effective March 1st 2021. He will also fulfil the newly created role of Lufthansa Group Chief Representative for European Affairs in Brussels.

Dieter Vranckx, the current CEO of Brussels Airlines will be the new CEO of Swiss Airways effective from January 1st 2021.

Together with the other members of the Lufthansa Group Executive Board, I wish to thank Dieter for his exemplary commitment in guiding Brussels Airlines through rough times. The Belgian airline is on the right path towards a financially healthy future”, explained Christina Foerster, Member of the Lufthansa Group Executive Board Customer, IT & Corporate Responsibility.

“In the last months, Brussels Airlines has reached important milestones within its turnaround plan ‘Reboot Plus’. At the end of this year, we will have accomplished more than 90 per cent of our restructuring. Being already today more efficient and leaner than in the past helps us to manage the current unprecedented crisis”, explained Dieter Vranckx, CEO of Brussels Airlines. “Together with a very professional and committed staff, Peter Gerber and my colleagues of the Extended Management Board, will make sure that Brussels Airlines gets out of the crisis stronger than before”, added Dieter Vranckx.

“Brussels Airlines has many assets and together with the Brussels Airlines management and all 3,500 employees I am looking forward to build on the company’s strengths while increasing our competitiveness and making our way of working future proof, ”said Peter Gerber, future CEO of Brussels Airlines and Lufthansa Group Chief Representative for European Affairs in Brussels.

Peter Gerber has been Chairman of the Executive Board of Lufthansa Cargo AG since May 2014. In addition to this role, Gerber holds mandate at different companies and associations, such as a seat on the Supervisory Board of Fraport AG and the position as Chairman of the IATA Cargo Advisory Council.