
San Francisco International Airport- A Step closer to achieve carbon neutrality

San Francisco International Airport plans to reach their ambitious goals of becoming triple zero campus, achieving not just carbon neutrality but also net zero energy and zero waste in the next five years.
San Francisco International Airport plans to reach their ambitious goals of becoming triple zero campus, achieving not just carbon neutrality but also net zero energy and zero waste in the next five years.

16 July 2020: In a major milestone, San Francisco International Airport (SFO) in their quest at reducing carbon emissions received their first batch of sustainable aviation fuel for commercial use from Neste. This step was extremely important for SFO to reach their ambitious goals of becoming “triple zero” campus, achieving not just carbon neutrality but also net zero energy and zero waste in the next five years.

Depleting ozone layers, melting of ice in Northern and southern hemispheres and rising climate has been on the environmentalists agenda for a while now. Apart from other modes of transport, Aviation industry has its fair share of carbon emissions leading to pollution. Various organisations like IATA & ICAO are striving to cut CO2 emissions with innovative technologies, sustainable aviation fuel and improved operations and infrastructure. Riding high on these lines, San Francisco International Airport (SFO) signed a one-of-a-kind MoU with Neste along with a group of eight airlines and fuel producers in a 5-year collaborative effort to provide sustainable aviation fuel to SFO. Accordingly Neste has delivered its first batch of sustainable aviation fuel via pipeline. This fuel will now be used by other major airlines committed to reduce carbon emissions.

Neste is the world’s largest producer of renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) produced from waste and residue raw materials and with this delivery has become the first company to deliver sustainable aviation fuel under their brand name Neste MY Renewable Jet Fuel. Also, Neste has been ranked as the world’s 3rd most sustainable company on the 2020 Global100 list.

This fuel can be transported via the same pipelines which are used to carry fossil fuels and other oil products. Besides it can be used as a drop-in fuel with existing aircraft engines and airport infrastructure, requiring no extra investment.

“This is a major milestone in our goal to make San Francisco International Airport a hub for the use of sustainable aviation fuel in our pursuit of carbon neutrality,” says SFO Airport Director Ivar C. Satero. “By focusing on the entire supply chain process, achievements like this one have the power to transform the landscape of our entire industry. I am grateful for our partnership with Neste to make this climate quantum leap a reality.”

“The aviation industry is essential for global business, generating growth and facilitating economic recovery. But if we are to address aviation-related emissions, we need to utilize all the available solutions. We are extremely happy to have partnered with San Francisco International Airport, a forerunner with a concrete emission reduction strategy, to address climate change and support them in achieving those climate targets,” says Thorsten Lange, Executive Vice President for Renewable Aviation at Neste.

“Neste MY Renewable Jet Fuel is a sustainable aviation fuel that in neat form and over the lifecycle reduces GHG emissions up to 80 per cent compared to fossil jet fuel. It can be easily delivered in a multi-product pipeline, which should become a standard process in the future,” Lange continues.

Neste MY Renewable Jet Fuel is made from sustainably sourced, 100 per cent renewable waste and residue materials, like used cooking oil or animal fats.