
COVID-19 is leaving an indelible mark on our world

25 May 2020: With the opening of International boundaries things are slowly starting to turn green for the aviation sector. CFM and its parent companies have made it their top priority to protect the health and safety of their families, customers and suppliers. Even in crisis, both GE and Safran have taken steps to adapt to the current situation and bounce back quickly once the crisis is resolved.

Gael Meheust, President & CEO of CFM International said, “One thing that has not changed is our continued commitment to support our customers’ fleets through this unprecedented crisis. We are in contact with them daily to review individual situations and are working to maintain the highest levels of product support.”

He further gave examples stating facts and figures from across the world. He said, “Worldwide traffic is down just over 75 per cent compared to May 2019 and airlines have grounded more than two thirds of the world’s fleet. However in China, traffic is starting to recover, currently down about 45 per cent from 2019 levels with 60 per cent load factors. We are also starting to see early indications of improvement in other regions around the world, as well.

With the aviation industry kick-starting its business, the challenges are not over yet. But just like every other crisis this industry has faced, aviation will come out leaner, stronger, smarter and better than ever.