Exclusive Interview

Simplify & Streamline MRO Solutions @iBASEt

Simplify & Streamline MRO Solutions @iBASEt
Simplify & Streamline MRO Solutions @iBASEt

We all want simplified solutions in life, for anything even remotely complex that comes our way. iBaset does just that. They provide simplified solution to complex manufacturing challenges. Not just that, these software solutions are built specifically for discrete complex manufacturing. In an exclusive interview with Swati.k, John Simmons, MRO Product Manager at iBASEt speaks about the specific features about their latest MRO software which sets it apart from the competition, his take on the MRO markets, the looming problem of cyber-security and much more… READ ON!

Q – Can you tell our readers some of the specific features of the latest MRO software iBASEt? How does it set it apart from the rest of the available software solutions?

A – The iBASEt MRO solution is highly effective in simplifying the execution of complex MRO operations. Unlike other offerings, iBASEt is adept in handing “One to Many” relationships with a centrally managed solution that accelerates the decision making, planning and execution of complex sustainment operations. Strength of the iBASEt MRO solution is that it can simplify how organizations manage unexpected customer demands, last minute engineering changes, and new configuration requirements. The iBASEt MRO solution provides the necessary visibility and agility to easily manage and track both standard and non-routine activities while streamlining these tasks, helping to simplify what would traditionally be a complex set of MRO processes. As an example, an iBASEt customer automated the process of creating FAA 8130 certifications for repair parts that reduced the time to complete this task from 40 hours down to one.

Q – iBASEt develops solutions for the most complex manufacturing challenges. Can you tell us your experience with one of the toughest challenges that you had to face and how did you tackle it?

A – Paper-based tracking of all maintenance activities is difficult, inefficient and error prone. Without a digital system it is tough to know the history and genealogy of every part, process or product. Further, trying to perform this task and access all the critical information quickly when working remotely, in an “offline” mode, can be time consuming, frustrating and complex. We’ve helped several customers establish this type of reliable and secure environment that works anywhere.

Q – As digitization is taking over the aviation MRO industry, the threat of cyber-attack looms large. Do you think the industry is equipped to tackle this problem?

A – Maintaining the highest level of security is hardly anything new to the aviation MRO industry. As the migration to digital solutions progresses, there has been an acute focus on restricting access to and securing sensitive digital data. To that end, cybersecurity is an inherent component to every aviation industry solution due to the highly competitive nature of the products built and maintained. Ironically, digital MRO solutions might actually be more secure than paper-based ones, given the limited means to physically secure paper records that are distributed across a wide area of operations.

Q – The traceability factor in Aerospace & Defense is extremely crucial and Solumina provides strong control and visibility from cradle to grave. Can you explain us very briefly the working of Solumina?

A – The iBASEt MRO solution provides a complete and accurate history of As-built and As-maintained records, expediting the process to obtain regulatory certificates and pass mandatory audits. By establishing digital continuity from cradle to grave, iBASEt MRO eliminates manual processes that rely on spreadsheets and disparate digital systems. This way data is automatically captured, stored and managed across the entire production processes and the extended supply chain to provide a full history of operations. Electronic signatures validate every process, which then becomes part of the traceability history. iBASEt MRO tracks every part down to the serial level to enable greater control to maintain traceability and serialization for every component, resulting in fast and cost-effective compliance.

Q – The rapidly growing aviation industry is putting the Asian MRO markets up for grabs and India is predicted to be the 3rd largest aviation market in next decade. Your views.

A – This observation is in alignment with what iBASEt is also seeing in the market. Despite the challenging political environment between China and the US, increasing income levels by the middle class has prompted new demand for travel and thereby greater consumption for avionics products.

Q – How do you see the future of MRO industry in coming years? Is the impending global economic crisis likely to affect the MRO industry?

A – Economic crises tend to place greater demand to sustain existing products. Budget to purchase new product is often deferred or delayed. In these types of scenarios, look to see an increased investment in digital MRO solutions that takes advantage of new technologies such as the digital twin to simulate and predict when future repairs should be made. This type of modeling activity is likely to deliver enough interest to warrant continued investment.