


Aircraft hangars are not like any other large storage or parking space covered with an overhead roof and secured at the entrance with heavy duty doors and sophisticated locking systems. A critical infrastructure in the aviation industry, serving as protective shelters for aircraft when on ground and pulled out of service.  These structures play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of not just the aircraft, but all the tools, equipment, dismantled landing gears and engines, wheels, avionics system and the entire structural integrity.- all of which are hugely expensive. Within a hangar, technicians can conduct their maintenance work better, in a controlled environment. Protection from elements like corrosion, rust especially on metal components, and other damaging effects of the extreme external environment, further enhances and longevity and performance of all types of aircraft. Hangars with doors and closing systems to cut out moisture are key concerns. 

Hangars above all must have state-of-the-art, foolproof locking systems that provide access control for bona fide staff, security cameras at vantage points, security alarms, and fire -warning systems.

Maintenance and repairs inside a hangar can be carried out without outside disruptions and a serviceable aircraft/helicopter can be delivered within the scheduled time, and a quick TAT is achieved for an airline to maintain its flying schedule. Reliable operations are the cornerstone for business viability.

How crucial is the design and construction of aircraft hangars can be determined by the regulatory mandates and compliances in place. Airlines need to adhere to guidelines about safety, storage, and maintenance standards. Compliance is essential to be able to obtain necessary certifications for flight operations.

Aircraft and Helicopter hangars are designed and planned with safety in mind, especially during emergency and mission critical situations.  

Hangar designs too will need to evolve as aerospace technology advances. Function and design of Hangars must be customised to the type and size of operations of any airline company – and holds true for commercial, business aircraft as also helicopters.

Of Hangar Doors

Hangar doors of all sizes of hangars, especially for larger aircraft must meet specific requirements laid down by regulatory bodies.

There are several types of door-designs to suit requirements of users – Hangar doors may be operated as manufactured – such as, ground-guided doors, overhead sliding doors, sliding folding doors, telescopic sliding doors, as well as round sliding doors.

The doors need to pass the test Requirements for the wind loads, tightness, no radar reflection, light permeability combined with high thermal insulation.

Image Credit – Alpgate


Image Credit: Door Engineering / Bottom Rolling Door

Aircraft hangars typically are designed with Bottom Rolling Hangar Doors, and can be operated manually as also motorized. And the range of doors extend from Hydraulic Swinging Doors to Bi-Fold Hangar Doors. Each type has its pros and cons and must be evaluated to suit individual needs.

The horizontal rolling door design is a single or set of vertical leaves moving horizontally on steel tracks.

A rolling door with its many sections can be adequately sealed to avoid environmental impacts caused by air leakage, and be made to offer adequate ventilation and energy efficiency.

Seal ability for a fuselage aperture – an important factor

A fuselage aperture is a circular shaped hole in the centre of the hangar door and it allows the door to close around the body of an airplane. With various sizes of wide­­­­ bodied aircraft to accommodate, seal ability is to install a foam bumper around the circumference of the steel frame aperture. The bumpers can be made to carry an electric fail-safe sensor so that the aperture will reverse if the bumper detects contact with an obstacle.

Image Credit – hangardoors.aero

Safety Feature: A Safety Edge feature is added to aircraft hangar doors, so that a moving hangar door comes to an immediate halt, the moment it encounters an obstruction. Additionally, installing red light or siren sending out loud alarms, can be activated, as and when the Safety Edge is actuated indicating an obstruction.  

Image Credit: Hangardoors.aero/ Unidirectional Hangar Door

Unidirectional Door Configuration

The unidirectional door configuration requires a minimum of a one-leaf door or a series of interconnected leaves. All leaves are designed to fit into a pocket built on one side of the opening. These doors can be manually moved or may be motorized. The leaves one or several that are interconnected, all slide into one pocket, moving one-way.

Bi-Parting Door Configuration

Image Credit -Diamond Doors / Bi-Parting Door Configuration

A Bi-Parting hangar door as the name suggests must have a minimum of 2 leaves, and requires a pocket on either side. The leaves all open from the centre either manually or by being motorized.

Floating Configuration Door

Image Credit – Sweets Construction

A Floating configuration needs a minimum of two leaves, and the movement of leaves must be motorized, with no pocket space required, either to the left or right. The floating configuration consists of interconnected door leaves, that can be moved from the first or the last leaf.

Independent Configuration Door

An Independent configuration can work with a minimum of one door leaf and can go up to multiple leaves. Here each leaf can be moved separately and is equipped with individual motor and control panel. Each of the leaves can be manual or motorized, and no pocket space required to the left or right of the opening.

Sliding Folding Door for a Helicopter Hangar (Straubing Hospital, Germany)

The importance of hangar doors, their functioning and maintenance has been amply highlighted as being high-performing sliding folding door for the helicopter hangar of Straubing Hospital. The helicopter hangar located on the roof of the hospital building housing a rescue helicopter was alerted and responded over 2,000 times!  This means that a highly efficient, and durable hangar door must be in place to perform under such demanding situations. Sometimes the efficiency of such a robust system means saving lives!

Image Credit – Alpgate

Military Aircraft Bunker Shelter Doors

Image Credit – karengrubu.com / Military Aircraft Bunker Shelter Doors

Military warplane bunker shelter doors are designed in compliance with NATO standards. Bunker or shelter automatic doors for military aircraft operate automatically, electro-mechanically (motor-reducer) and by hydraulic means. The military grade hangar doors are made of heavy bomb resistant reinforced concrete and steel. The doors undergo burst pressure tests, achieving certification that have global acceptance.