Aircraft Interior

West Star Aviation enhances Falcon 2000 Interiors  

West Star Aviation enhances Falcon 2000 Interiors
Floor plan reconfigurations are complex, often involving modifications to multiple elements, such as a typical 8-passenger layout with a forward 4-place club arrangement.

West Star Aviation experts lead in Falcon 2000 reconfigurations, addressing complex design needs and operational requirements.

West Star Aviation’s Interior Specialists are recognized as some of the most creative and talented designers in the industry. They are highly attuned to both industry trends and customer preferences, particularly in the aircraft interior design segment. One notable trend is the floor plan reconfiguration of the Falcon 2000 aircraft. This modification has been the most requested over the past five years.

Floor plan reconfigurations are complex tasks, requiring multiple elements to be modified or replaced. For instance, a typical 8-passenger layout includes a forward 4-place club arrangement. Additionally, it features a conference group setup in the aft section of the cabin. This area also contains a credenza or kibitzer located on the right-hand side.  

The credenza is removed and replaced with new aluminum plates mounted in the floor. These plates align with the existing seat track line. This adjustment allows for the installation of new, narrower seat tracks. Consequently, this accommodates the new narrow-style seats in the area.

A new set of narrow-style double conference seats is installed on the left side of the cabin. Typically, the existing conference table can be reused. However, it may require modification to meet egress requirements. Once the seats are installed, a new side-ledge and table assembly is built. This assembly is installed on the right side for the new narrow-style club group.

Several key cost-driving elements must be considered when planning a 10-passenger configuration change. Providing West Star Aviation Technical Sales Manager with detailed information at the initial request will expedite the proposal process. Although a firm price would be ideal, each aircraft is unique and rarely identical. Consequently, detailed information is essential for an accurate proposal.

George Euler, Corporate Aircraft Interior Sales Manager (GJT), said, “I’ve had the pleasure of reconfiguring several Falcon 2000’s. It starts with our 3D designers and quickly engages our engineering team, allowing us to unleash our creativity. By focusing on the customer’s needs, we tailor the design to meet their operational requirements. We provide the additional seating capacity that is crucial for charter companies. This process ignites creativity, enabling us to innovate and achieve amazing outcomes.”

Several elements must be considered during the planning of a 10-passenger configuration change. For instance, obtaining the part numbers of the existing four-place club grouping is crucial. This verification ensures that the retained seats have been dynamically tested with the new narrow seating. Additionally, it is necessary to determine whether the aircraft has a Flight Data Recorder (FDR). The FDR must comply with additional passenger requirements. Furthermore, Technical Sales Manager needs to understand the installed oxygen bottle’s capacity and its location. This could be in the existing credenza, outboard, or below the entertainment cabinet/forward closet. Typically, new switching is required, so the existing cabin management system must be assessed for modification or upgrade.

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Operators should consider their scheduled maintenance events when planning large-scale projects such as floor plan reconfigurations. Proper planning ensures coordination and minimizes disruptions.

Q. – What trend has been most requested for the Falcon 2000?
A. – Floor plan reconfiguration.

Q. – What is required for floor plan reconfigurations?
A. – Modifications and replacements.