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Airbus chooses Honeywell auxiliary power unit for its A320 family

Airbus has chosen the Honeywell 131-9A auxiliary power unit as regular equipment for its A320 family of aircraft. Honeywell’s auxiliary power unit will be providing considerable fuel savings and demonstrated reliability for the A320 family.

“Reducing operating costs while offering customers the best air travel experience possible continues to be key for airlines,” said Brian Sill, president, Engines and Power Systems, Honeywell Aerospace. “Together, Honeywell and Airbus are offering A320 series customers an APU with best-in-class operational efficiency enabling more efficient, safe and comfortable travel experience for airline passengers.”

Honeywell lately shipped its 5,000th 131-9A auxiliary power unit (APU). This puts the number of production APUs from the 131-9 family at more than 11,000 units, with more than 100 million total flight hours. The 131-9 series auxiliary power unit has been preferred by airlines for the majority of narrow-body aircraft. It helps decrease delays and flight cancellations, allowing airlines to stay on schedule so that their customers can reach their destinations on time. The 131-9 family is exceptional because it consists of an electronic control box that integrates superior, plain-English troubleshooting logic and health-monitoring capabilities for intuitive maintenance. The 131-9 APU’s enhanced operational effectiveness, along with Honeywell’s worldwide network of customer support managers and technical engineers helps customers achieve on-time flight schedules.