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Safran opens new Center of Excellence at Pont-Audemer facility in France for MRO

Safran Nacelles has launched a MRO Center of Excellence at the company’s Pont-Audemer facility in France’s Normandy region. This new Center of Excellence brings various advantages to clients that utilize and sustain the product line of jet engine nacelles produced by Safran Nacelles.

The new Center of Excellence’s responsibilities include: managing the network of Safran Nacelles’ MRO facilities globally, serving as the operational reference in terms of repair procedures and industrialization; overseeing the company’s MRO-related research and technology activities; as well as developing its competence in repair methods and engineering. The MRO Center of Excellence’s expertise covers complete engine nacelle systems, including complex structural repairs, line replaceable units (LRUs), engine subassemblies, outlet guide vanes (OGV) and on-site support.

“This latest enhancement of our MRO capabilities provides benefits for customers through increased reactivity, greater technical proficiency, improved workflow and even stronger ties to the resources of Safran Nacelles as a world-leading nacelle manufacturer,” said CEO Jean-Paul Alary. “It also will improve our responsiveness as a provider of choice for maintenance, repair and overhaul services worldwide.”

With the foundation of Safran Nacelles’ MRO Center of Excellence, Jean-Hugues Cousin has been announced as MD. He has the extra responsibility for leading the company’s global MRO network – which includes the Pont-Audemer facility, Safran Nacelles Services Americas in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA; and the Dubai-based Aerostructures Middle East Services (AMES), a joint venture of Safran Nacelles and Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance.