
Jetstar to install Bluebox’s Blueview platform on Airbus fleet

Jetstar to install Bluebox’s Blueview platform on Airbus fleet.
Blueview was launched as a distinct new brand from Bluebox in June 2022 Aircraft Interiors Expo.

Blueview will be deployed in two formats – as part of an Airbus Airspace Link installation on new aircraft entering Jetstar’s first A321LR.

Jetstar Group, an Australian low-cost airline has announced that the airline has signed an agreement to deploy Bluebox Aviation Systems’ digital passenger experience, Blueview, on the airline’s Airbus fleet. The platform will be marketed to passengers as Jetstar Entertainment and is expected to be launched by the airline in the upcoming months of 2022. The agreement initially includes a gradual implementation of Jetstar Entertainment on all Airbus aircraft within Jetstar Airways and Jetstar Asia fleets, with provision to extend this to additional aircraft types within the Jetstar Group.

To deliver Jetstar Entertainment, Blueview will be deployed in two formats – as part of an Airbus Airspace Link installation on new aircraft entering Jetstar’s fleet, such as Jetstar’s first A321LR that arrived in Melbourne at the end of July 2022. The platform will also be deployed on Bluebox’s portable wireless system, Bluebox Wow, in its aircraft-powered format, for Jetstar’s existing A320/A321CEO aircraft. Deploying Blueview across both Airspace Link and Bluebox Wow will provide a consistent passenger experience across the fleet.

Jetstar Entertainment will deliver a new in-flight digital platform for the airline’s passengers by presenting them with an attractive Jetstar-branded user interface. The platform can be accessed by the passengers via browsers on their own devices over a wireless network on board.

“There’s no denying this is one of our most exciting projects to date – not just because of the size of Jetstar’s fleet and it being our first combined deployment of Blueview on both Bluebox Wow and Airspace Link across a fleet, but because once again we are launching another great innovation for Jetstar, as we did when we launched the world’s first iPad IFE solution with Jetstar back in 2011,” said Kevin Clark, CEO, Bluebox“We’re delighted now to be delivering to Jetstar the most innovative digital passenger engagement platform on the market today together with our unparalleled customer service and support,” he further added.

Blueview is an innovative platform that provides both the browser-based portal through which passengers can view and access a range of digital services on board as well as all the functionality behind that which ensures the secure delivery of content, third-party app integration, content management and analytics. It is a digital ecosystem offering airlines the ability to engage and entertain their passengers on board and earn ancillary revenue for the airline in the process.

Blueview was launched as a distinct new brand from Bluebox in June 2022 Aircraft Interiors Expo. The launch was seen by BlueBox as the marking of evolution and the direction of Bluebox’s passenger solutions beyond the provision of more traditional in-flight entertainment.

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The rebranding meanwhile, reflecting a broader industry shift towards increased digitalization of cabin services also makes clear the distinction between Blueview as the software-based solution and the hardware platforms onto which it can be deployed, such as the company’s Bluebox Wow portable wireless streaming system and other third-party hardware such as that provided as part of Airbus Airspace Link.