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IAI Introduces CWS- the First Military System that Prevents Mid-Air Collisions with Civilian Aircraft

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is pioneering military flight safety with the introduction of its Collision Warning System (CWS), an innovative, lifesaving solution designed to warn combat pilots in situations when potential collision with commercial and civilian aircraft is imminent. CWS was developed by IAI’s MALAM Division and will be on display at the I/ITSEC exhibition in Orlando, FL, November 28- December 2, 2016 (Booth 1949).

Extending the collision-warning functions of IAI’s EHUD range-independent air-combat maneuvering instrumentation (ACMI), the CWS system will currently monitor non-military platforms and warn of the proximity and risk of collision with commercial aircraft. Observance is performed through integration of IFF (IdentificationFriend/Foe) and ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast). Increasing congestion in civil air space poses a growing challenge to flight safety normally and specifically for military operations in proximity to, or among civilian airspace.

The CWS provides an entire air situational image with warnings visible solely  to the military pilot – no indications are provided to civilian aircraft. Warnings are provided in three ways – a voice warning, graphical indication on a tablet panel and symbols bestowed on existing cockpit displays (MPD/MFD). The CWS is embedded in existing or new EHUD/RAIDS/FRP systems, or carried as a stand-alone pod, which needs only a single interface unit, and therefore requires only minimal integration into the aircraft.

The system builds the air situational image based on the reception and interrogation of EHUD, IFF and ADS-B signals. By plotting existing and projected flight paths of all aircraft flying in the area, the system identifies potential collisions and warns the pilot earlier of such events. Among the data processed are the flight characteristics and maneuverability of each fighter jet, which are profoundly different from those of civilian aircraft. Warnings are therefore generated only when a clear and imminent danger exists.

The system is designed for 4th and 5th generation fighter jets, training aircraft, military helicopters and remotely piloted aircraft (RPA). It is based on the extensive experience gained by MLM in the development and deployment of many generations of ACMI systems, and high bandwidth, real-time datalinks. The system is presently in evaluation by a couple of leading air forces.

“The growing congestion of the airspace and lack of integration between military and civil air spaces require new, independent solutions to prevent collisions. Such systems will improve flight safety without compromising operational freedom,” said Jacob Galifat, General Manager of the IAI/MALAM Division. “The CWS introduced today combines the independence, operational freedom, ease of integration and affordability which are so important for the military operator, enabling military pilots to fly safely without risk to civilian or military aircraft nearby, in both training and operational flights.”