Executives in Focus

Fabiano Faccoli to Take over as CEO of Swiss-AS

Fabiano Faccoli to Take over as CEO of Swiss-AS.
Fabiano Faccoli holds the honors of Master of Science – MS, computer Science and Economics from the University of Zurich, Switzerland.

Fabiano Faccoli will assume his new role from August 1st 2022. Meanwhile, current CEO Ronald Scherer will remain available to him and the company as an advisor.

After developing AMOS into a serious player in the field of Maintenance & Engineering software and leading the team of Swiss AviationSoftware for over 20 years, Ronald Scherer announced that it is time to hand over the baton to Fabino Faccoli, his successor at Swiss-AS. Ronald Scherer pursues various private enterprises, to which he wants to consecrate more time and energy in the future, and wishes to spend more time with family.

Ronald Scherer CEO, Swiss-AS said, “After dedicating 33 years of my life to AMOS and Swiss AviationSoftware, it is now an ideal moment to induce the generation changes. I am very pleased to announce Fabiano Faccoli as new CEO of Swiss AviationSoftware Ltd. He has been with the company for over 20 years (most recently as COO). I am more than convinced that he will keep the company on the road to success with his great experience, which he has gained in various positions he has already held in the company”.

Peter Wojahn, Chairman of the Board of Swiss AviationSoftware Ltd.  said, “I would like to thank Ron for his unparalleled passion, dedication and success over three decades. With the first lines of code written by himself in the far 1989, Ron has seeded the foundation for a true entrepreneurial success story. The Board of Directors is pleased to have found with Fabiano an ideal successor from within Swiss AviationSoftware Ltd. and I’m looking forward to a successful collaboration”.

Fabiano Faccoli. said, “I am honoured of having received the trust from Ron and our Board of Directors to lead Swiss AviationSoftware Ltd. together with our experienced Management team. Ron is handing over a perfectly healthy and successful company and I’m very much looking forward to dedicating my energy in writing the next chapters of a true success story.

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Fabino Faccoli joined Swiss-AS 17 years ago as Manager Engineering Modules and worked his way up to the ladder and was made the vice president for customer services in January 2008, before being handed over the responsibility of COO of Swiss Aviation Software in October 2018. Now Faccoli is all set to succeed Ronald Scherer as the next CEO of the organization.