
Jet Aviation gains fuel concession from Geneva International Airport

Geneva expands its service offering to include direct fueling
Dedicated fueling service will ensure timely fuel service delivery and ultimately support punctual departures

With this Geneva expands its service offering to include direct fueling via a factory new fuel truck and dedicated team of trained fuelers

5 July 2021: Jet Aviation gained a fuel concession from the Geneva International Airport Authority effective immediately. With this Geneva has expanded its service offering to include direct fueling via a factory new fuel truck and dedicated team of trained fuelers. 

Joao Martins, Jet Aviation’s vice president of Regional FBO Operations in Europe and general manager of the company’s Zurich FBO said, “We are always looking for ways to ensure a seamless service for our passengers and crews. We drew on our network of expert fuelers to train our Geneva personnel in fueling and ensure service alignment. This service expansion improves efficiency and demonstrates both our ongoing commitment to the highest standards and the strength of our global network. We are delighted to extend this long-awaited service to our customers in Geneva. Being able to offer a dedicated fueling service means we can ensure timely fuel service delivery and ultimately support punctual departures.”

Edgar Guerreiro, senior director of the Geneva MRO & FBO operations and general manager of Jet Aviation Geneva said, “We are delighted to extend this long-awaited service to our customers in Geneva,” added “Being able to offer a dedicated fueling service means we can ensure timely fuel service delivery and ultimately support punctual departures.”